The French “Association d’Économie Sociale”
> The Annual Conferences
All the Conferences
- 2017 –
XXXVIIth Conference
held at Saint-Denis on the topic of “Économie sociale et économie politique : regards croisés sur l’histoire et sur les enjeux contemporains”, processings edited by Brunet C., T. Darcillon, and G. Rieucau.
- 2016 –
XXXVIth Conference
held at Lille on the topic of “Politiques sociales en mutation : quelles opportunités et quels risques pour l'État social ?”, processings edited by Fretel A., A. Bory, S. Célérier, and F. Jany-Catrice.
- 2015 –
XXXVth Conference
held at Bobigny on the topic of “Économie sociale : crises et renouveaux”, processings edited by Abecassis Ph. and N. Coutinet.
- 2014 –
XXXIVth Conference
held at Grenoble on the topic of “Innovations sociales, innovations économiques”, processings edited by Lamotte B., A. Le Roy, C. Massit, and E. Puissant.
- 2013 –
XXXIIIth Conference
held at Marne-la-Vallée on the topic of “Les nouvelles frontières de l'économie sociale et solidaire”, processings edited by Defalvard H., Y. L’Horty, F. Legendre, and M. Narcy.
- 2012 –
XXXIIth Conference
held at Aix-en-Provence on the topic of “Travail, organisations et politiques publiques : quelle soutenabilité à l’heure de la mondialisation ?”, processings edited by Richez-Battesti N., F. Petrella, and P. Gianfaldoni.
- 2011 –
XXXIth Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “Crise, inégalités et pauvretés”, processings edited by Kerleau M., S. Laguérodie, and J-L. Outin.
- 2010 –
XXXth Conference
held at Charleroi on the topic of “Transformations et innovations économiques et sociales en Europe : quelles sorties de crise ? Regards interdisciplinaires”, processings edited by Degrave F., D. Desmette, É. Mangez, M. Nyssens, and P. Reman.
- 2009 –
XXIXth Conference
held at Créteil on the topic of “Emploi et politiques sociales”, processings edited by Barnay T. and F. Legendre.
- 2008 –
XXVIIIth Conference
held at Reims on the topic of “Au-delà des droits économiques et des droits politiques, les droits sociaux ?”, processings edited by Domin J-P., M. Maric, S. Delabruyère, and C. Hédoin.
- 2007 –
XXVIIth Conference
held at Nanterre on the topic of “Approches institutionnalistes des inégalités en économie sociale”, processings edited by Batifoulier Ph., A. Ghirardello, G. Larquier de, and D. Remillon.
- 2006 –
XXVIth Conference
held at Nancy on the topic of “Économie sociale et droit”, processings edited by Bourreau-Dubois C. and B. Jeandidier.
- 2005 –
XXVth Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “Économie du vieillissement”, processings edited by Joël M-È. and J. Wittwer.
- 2004 –
XXIVth Conference
held at Nantes on the topic of “Familles et solidarités”, processings edited by Girard D..
- 2003 –
XXIIIth Conference
held at Grenoble on the topic of “Mondialisation et régulation sociale”, processings edited by Euzéby C., F. Carluer, S. Chapon, A. Euzéby, D. Mansanti, and C. Offredi.
- 2002 –
XXIIth Conference
held at Caen on the topic of “Politiques sociales et croissance économique”, processings edited by Dupuis J-M., C. El Moudden, F. Gavrel, I. Lebon, G. Maurau, and N. Ogier.
- 2001 –
XXIth Conference
held at Lille on the topic of “Intégration européenne et économie sociale”, processings edited by Dervaux B., F. Calcoen, D. Grenier, J-P. Marissal, and J-C. Sailly.
- 2000 –
XXth Conference
held at Toulouse on the topic of “Efficacité versus équité en économie sociale”, processings edited by Alcouffe A., B. Fourcade, J-M. Plassard, and G. Tahar.
- 1999 –
XIXth Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “Formes d'organisation et institutions”, processings edited by Gazier B., J-L. Outin, and F. Audier.
- 1998 –
XVIIIth Conference
held at Marseille on the topic of “Les politiques sociales catégorielles”, processings edited by Méhaut Ph. and Ph. Mossé.
- 1997 –
XVIIth Conference
held at Dijon on the topic of “Les avancées théoriques en économie sociale et leurs applications”, processings edited by Eicher J-C. and M. Gadreau.
- 1996 –
XVIth Conference
held at Rennes on the topic of “Politiques sociales et territoires en Europe”.
- 1995 –
XVth Conference
held at Nancy on the topic of “L’analyse longitudinale en économie sociale”.
- 1994 –
XIVth Conference
held at Lille on the topic of “Méthodes de l’évaluation des politiques sociales”.
- 1993 –
XIIIth Conference
held at Nantes on the topic of “Économie sociale et espace européen”.
- 1992 –
XIIth Conference
held at Toulouse on the topic of “Les rémunérations”.
- 1991 –
XIth Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “Le financement de l’économie sociale”.
- 1990 –
Xth Conference
held at Grenoble on the topic of “L’insertion des groupes vulnérables”.
- 1989 –
IXth Conference
held at Caen on the topic of “L’économie sociale dans les pays en développement”.
- 1988 –
VIIIth Conference
held at Dijon on the topic of “La prise en compte du temps en économie sociale”.
- 1987 –
VIIth Conference
held at Aix-en-Provence on the topic of “Les comparaisons internationales en matière d’économie sociale”.
- 1986 –
VIth Conference
held at Lille on the topic of “Nouvelles technologies et politiques sociales”.
- 1985 –
Vth Conference
held at Nantes on the topic of “La différentiation des politiques sociales”.
- 1984 –
IVth Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “L’évaluation des politiques sociales”.
- 1983 –
IIIth Conference
held at Nancy on the topic of “Divergence et convergence de l’économique et du social dans la crise”.
- 1981 –
IIth Conference
held at Dijon on the topic of “L’avenir des politiques sociales et les modalités de la régulation”.
- 1979 –
Ith Conference
held at Paris on the topic of “Comportements individuels et comportements collectifs. Politiques sociales et évolution du capitalisme”.